
The last month in photos

Ok, This picture is not in Canada, but it is something that Jada enjoys doing. She has seen us use the keys to open doors, so she tries to copy. She still does it, and it is funny to watch.
She is not the same baby that we left Beijing with and it has only been about a month and a half. She has learned so much in that time period. She has picked up at least a dozen words and her understanding is amazing. Her favourite word right now is hi, when people come in the door or walk in the room where she is she greets them. We can now ask her to go put her diaper in the garbage and she does it. We have a binky in bed only rule and now instead of just doing it for her we can ask her to leave her binky in her bed and she pulls it out and drops it in her bed. When it is time for dinner we tell her to go get in her booster seat and she climbs up, sit down and trys her best to do up the buckle. If she is climbing on something we don't want her to for safety reasons or she is after something she is not suppose to touch we can tell her "Jada, down please!" and she gets down, most of the time, she definetly understands. Today when I went to get her from her nap she start talking and talking a way, very animated, in baby talk and pointing to her bed like she was telling me something that had happened there and at the end of her long speel she says a word that I understood 'binky'. I didn't even know she knew how to say that word. She has a facsination with shoes, I'm sure every baby does, but she especially likes boots. Some times she trys on ones that are up to her hip and then has a hard time getting out of them. She tries on the shoes of just about every visitor.

Jada sure likes her water! She knew that there was water in there before, and it looked like a bottle, so why not try to drink it? Up until now Jada has been a really good water drinker and a good eater and eats just about anything we feed her. With being back and forth between grandparents homes we have been in vacation mood and some of our parenting methods started to slide a little. We started allowing chocolates and candy and everyone loves to feed babies so she was being given little snacks and treats through out the day by several different people so there wasn't any one person monitoring her diet. Because she was snacking so much we noticed that she started not eating her meals well and developing a sweet taste preference. We were creating a picky eater. As soon as we noticed we realized that we have to get on track so everyone agreed to not give her snacks and we cut out sweets and by the next day she was eating her meals again and not being picky. phew! It was'nt too late. She will have taste preferences, that is for sure because everyone does but at least this way I know what she has eaten in a day and can make sure she is getting the nutrients she needs.

Big Smile showing off her teeth! When we left Beijing she would smile and giggle but just little giggle, never real laughing. Now she has turned into a very smiley, laughing baby. About a week after we got here she discovered the high pitched squeel. Grandpa Innes has hearing aids and her squeel creats feed back, does not sound pleasant, so we have been trying to discourage it, probably a good idea anyways. Yesterday and today she only did it once so we are hoping that means it is dying out. She likes to scrunch up her nose when she giggles. Randomly she will just delve into this big elaborate stories, just jabbering away and every few seconds she just starts laughing and throws her arms up in the air. She was only doing the clapping part of patty cake when we left Beijing but now she claps, rolls her hands in her own way, draws with her finger on her hand and throws her hands up in her hair. I say thank you to her using the sign and she picked that up really quick because it looks like blowing kisses which her Nana taught her how to do. Something she loves to do with Nana (we call Grandma Innes Nana and Grandma Parks Grandma) is ride around on her walker. When ever Nana get up to goes somewhere Jada is right there asking for a ride or just climbing up on the seat without asking.

Up Up! Pick me UP! We are working on teaching her to say "please to ask for things". We started it meaning to teach her to sign it but in just one day she said it. We hope that teaching her early to ask for what she wants rather that demand will help out with the fast approaching toddler years. We believe that it will help to teach and reinforce habits of self-control and obedience. Christmas day we noticed her starting to assert her independence and through a fit. That is when we decided we needed to talk to come to an agreement together of how we were going to parent this new stage. It kind of crept up on us. Time goes fast when you are in a transitionary stage with moving from china and constantly back and forth between the in-laws trying to get set up here in Canada. Teaching her 'please' came out of our discussions. We have almost immediatly seen a change in her attitude. It amazes me so much everytime I see just how fast she can learn. She is a very smart little girl and we are very proud parents.

On Christmas eve Father in Law Vic was playing with the laser pointer, and Jada was really intereseted in it, and was trying to grab the light

Opening her stocking on Christmas day.

She got a hold of a black felt sharpie, and drew on her tounge

Looking in to one of her gifts from Grandpa and Gradma Parks

Whats this? She had fun playing with the packages. It took her a while to get into opening it, but with a little help she figured it out

She even help dad open a present up

Opening a present with grandma. Grandmas is her second mom, whenever we are there she follows her around and asks her to pick her up and loves to sit on her lap and cuddle with her.

These fun pop up animal things. She still remembers the word bird - she said it when the bird popped up. She often sticks her tongue out when she is concentrating.

Of course, she found a box, and had lots of fun in it. Who needs toys when you can have a box!

Just barely fits.... How would you like this to be your gift?

helping Daddy stretch

The other thing she has been trying to do lately is sit on her toy cars for a ride. She has learned that you can ride things with wheels just has not learned yet that size matters.

We had a lot of snow fall today, so we went out and played in it a little bit. She found it quite intresting.