
The last month in photos

Ok, This picture is not in Canada, but it is something that Jada enjoys doing. She has seen us use the keys to open doors, so she tries to copy. She still does it, and it is funny to watch.
She is not the same baby that we left Beijing with and it has only been about a month and a half. She has learned so much in that time period. She has picked up at least a dozen words and her understanding is amazing. Her favourite word right now is hi, when people come in the door or walk in the room where she is she greets them. We can now ask her to go put her diaper in the garbage and she does it. We have a binky in bed only rule and now instead of just doing it for her we can ask her to leave her binky in her bed and she pulls it out and drops it in her bed. When it is time for dinner we tell her to go get in her booster seat and she climbs up, sit down and trys her best to do up the buckle. If she is climbing on something we don't want her to for safety reasons or she is after something she is not suppose to touch we can tell her "Jada, down please!" and she gets down, most of the time, she definetly understands. Today when I went to get her from her nap she start talking and talking a way, very animated, in baby talk and pointing to her bed like she was telling me something that had happened there and at the end of her long speel she says a word that I understood 'binky'. I didn't even know she knew how to say that word. She has a facsination with shoes, I'm sure every baby does, but she especially likes boots. Some times she trys on ones that are up to her hip and then has a hard time getting out of them. She tries on the shoes of just about every visitor.

Jada sure likes her water! She knew that there was water in there before, and it looked like a bottle, so why not try to drink it? Up until now Jada has been a really good water drinker and a good eater and eats just about anything we feed her. With being back and forth between grandparents homes we have been in vacation mood and some of our parenting methods started to slide a little. We started allowing chocolates and candy and everyone loves to feed babies so she was being given little snacks and treats through out the day by several different people so there wasn't any one person monitoring her diet. Because she was snacking so much we noticed that she started not eating her meals well and developing a sweet taste preference. We were creating a picky eater. As soon as we noticed we realized that we have to get on track so everyone agreed to not give her snacks and we cut out sweets and by the next day she was eating her meals again and not being picky. phew! It was'nt too late. She will have taste preferences, that is for sure because everyone does but at least this way I know what she has eaten in a day and can make sure she is getting the nutrients she needs.

Big Smile showing off her teeth! When we left Beijing she would smile and giggle but just little giggle, never real laughing. Now she has turned into a very smiley, laughing baby. About a week after we got here she discovered the high pitched squeel. Grandpa Innes has hearing aids and her squeel creats feed back, does not sound pleasant, so we have been trying to discourage it, probably a good idea anyways. Yesterday and today she only did it once so we are hoping that means it is dying out. She likes to scrunch up her nose when she giggles. Randomly she will just delve into this big elaborate stories, just jabbering away and every few seconds she just starts laughing and throws her arms up in the air. She was only doing the clapping part of patty cake when we left Beijing but now she claps, rolls her hands in her own way, draws with her finger on her hand and throws her hands up in her hair. I say thank you to her using the sign and she picked that up really quick because it looks like blowing kisses which her Nana taught her how to do. Something she loves to do with Nana (we call Grandma Innes Nana and Grandma Parks Grandma) is ride around on her walker. When ever Nana get up to goes somewhere Jada is right there asking for a ride or just climbing up on the seat without asking.

Up Up! Pick me UP! We are working on teaching her to say "please to ask for things". We started it meaning to teach her to sign it but in just one day she said it. We hope that teaching her early to ask for what she wants rather that demand will help out with the fast approaching toddler years. We believe that it will help to teach and reinforce habits of self-control and obedience. Christmas day we noticed her starting to assert her independence and through a fit. That is when we decided we needed to talk to come to an agreement together of how we were going to parent this new stage. It kind of crept up on us. Time goes fast when you are in a transitionary stage with moving from china and constantly back and forth between the in-laws trying to get set up here in Canada. Teaching her 'please' came out of our discussions. We have almost immediatly seen a change in her attitude. It amazes me so much everytime I see just how fast she can learn. She is a very smart little girl and we are very proud parents.

On Christmas eve Father in Law Vic was playing with the laser pointer, and Jada was really intereseted in it, and was trying to grab the light

Opening her stocking on Christmas day.

She got a hold of a black felt sharpie, and drew on her tounge

Looking in to one of her gifts from Grandpa and Gradma Parks

Whats this? She had fun playing with the packages. It took her a while to get into opening it, but with a little help she figured it out

She even help dad open a present up

Opening a present with grandma. Grandmas is her second mom, whenever we are there she follows her around and asks her to pick her up and loves to sit on her lap and cuddle with her.

These fun pop up animal things. She still remembers the word bird - she said it when the bird popped up. She often sticks her tongue out when she is concentrating.

Of course, she found a box, and had lots of fun in it. Who needs toys when you can have a box!

Just barely fits.... How would you like this to be your gift?

helping Daddy stretch

The other thing she has been trying to do lately is sit on her toy cars for a ride. She has learned that you can ride things with wheels just has not learned yet that size matters.

We had a lot of snow fall today, so we went out and played in it a little bit. She found it quite intresting.


Memories of China

We were missing China before we left so I guess it is no surprise that we miss it so soon after returning to Canada. It was a very memorable year and a half. Especially all the memories we have interacting with the Chinese people and their culture. We went for the 20 week ultra-sound of our second baby and sitting their in the waiting room felt really weird because no one talked to us or even to each other, it was so quiet, people are really friendly here just more reserved. I spent alot of time in waiting rooms at clinics or hospitals in China, mostly for Jada's check ups and shots, and everyone interacted and talked with each other and everyone was very curious about us and had a million questions. Usually all along the same lines; where are you from? who old is your baby? Is it a boy or a girl? (everyone guessed boy which is kind of funny because she was usually wearing pink or girly looking clothing but that really dosen't mean much in China.) And everyone always had an opinion about what i should or should not do in regards to taking care of Jada. Everyone just loved Jada. The last few weeks there, when we were doing alot of shopping to pick up gifts for family and other thing, we went to the silk market a lot. So many of the workers their got really familiar with us and just loved Jada. We couldn't walk down this one asile without having to stop to let them play with Jada. This one day they told us "You are going to have another baby soon, let us have Jada. How much money do you want?" Mike jokingly told them that they would have to pay 10 000 rmb per month. And right after that they told us "You guys go and do your shopping and leave Jada here with us?" We of course said "no way!" and they pouted and begged. It was pretty funny. Mike told them "There are alot of people here, what if you were not looking and someone carried her off then what would we do?" Every where we went was like trick or treating for Jada because people were always offering her pieces of fruit and other snacks. Chinese people have a everyone pitches in and helps out like a big family mentality and people were always trying to help out with Jada or other things they saw us in need of. Riding the bus if I just started to sway a little or loose my balance everyone grabed me to steady me. Looking different didn't exclude us from the big family. They are always trying to take care of you. Everyone around became Jada's playmate. She had stranger anxiety around 3-4 months because all the actions and attention was just overwhelming but by a year old she would let anyone hold her, touch her, talk to her, play with her and just loved all the attention. People were pretty funny with their comments some times (to me at least because I can understand both cultures and the contrast are sometimes funny to me). The chinese, at least the last few generations with the new nanny culture that has immerged, are extremely protective of their children. So seeing how I take care of Jada according to my own culture got ALOT of comments and opinons and do this don't do that. I didn't worry to much if Jada got dirty, I figured it was all part of letting her experience things so she could learn. And I told them, it's no big deal, she gets dirty and then I clean her up, no harm done. It always started up a conversations. Some were very traditional and could not except that way of thinking and yet many were very intriged and interested and thought that it was good. Many westerners got offended by how opinionated the chinese are. They felt they were being judged but a chinese friend of mine explained it to me and said chinese tell you what you should do because they are concerned for you and just think that you don't know. Some of the cultural clashes are quite funny though. One of our friends was making Jello and his landlord saw him putting the pan of boiling water in the fridge and freaked out. The whole yin yan thing. Some chinese people stopped by and saw my friends baby in here high chair with only a diaper on and were totally tooken back and thought it was horrible. When Jada was a new born I carried her around in a sling wrap thing and the chinese had never seen that before. They were so worried that she was uncomfortable. I would show them her face so they could see she was quite comfortable.
It feels so weird to think that all those people we saw day in and day out and the streets we walked countless times are on the other side of the world now going on without us. We hope to be back there as soon as possible but we have things to do here to prepare for our future. And with baby number two (sex still unknown) we are glad to be close to family.


One week in Canada

Well, we made it back to Canada.
The last few weeks that we were living in Beijing were VERY busy! We probably went out most days, and went shopping for various gifts and stuff that we needed. We found some good deals on a lot of things. For me we got a suit, some jeans, and a really nice leather jacket. Chelsey got some shirts, some jeans, some jewelry. We also got a lot of gifts and such for our families. It was a lot of fun, but we ended up spending a lot of money. We usually don't spend a lot, so it was different, but it we had fun doing so. We decided that one day (if we are able) we would love to have more disposable income - after tithing, taxes, living costs, and savings - to have to use to buy more things that we don't often buy, or do other fun things. But, all those other things come first.

Our flights went really well. However our flight from Beijing to Vancouver was delayed a hour, which also bumped our flight to Calgary by one hour. We wanted to send my father an email telling him that, but I could not get on the Beijing Airport WiFi to do so. It was being stupid or something. We were able to call in Vancouver quickly and let him know. Because our flight was delayed, when we got to Vancouver we had just enough time to get through customs, immigration and security, use the bathroom and walk to our next gate. In fact, by the time that we got to that gate, they were boarding so there was no waiting at all! Jada did really well on the flights. She slept 8 or 9 hours of the Beijing to Vancouver leg (10 hour plus flight) and about a hour of the Vancouver to Calgary leg (not quite 2 hour flight). That made it very nice for us! Chelsey and I did not sleep very well, so we were tired when we got to my parents house. We are now just getting over the jet lag. Jada is already adjusted and is sleeping well. She is also very happy exploring the new places. She loves her Grandparents.

Now I'm looking for a job. I have a application with the federal government. I took three tests in regards to that this past Saturday. It is something that I would really like to do, but it takes a long time. If I am shortlisted, I'll get a call in January or Febuary, and then a few more months after that. I can't afford to wait around without working, so we are thinking that I'll try to find a job in Lethbridge area. That way we can stay near family, and we won't have to move to much. It could also be that #2 bean could be born in this area, which would be nice for family, considering Jada was born in China.

We are happy to be back in Canada, and we will see where life takes us


Massive Update

Wow! We've gotten busy with life and all of a sudden we only have three weeks left in China! Time sure goes by quickly.
Even though there has been a lot going on, we haven't updated our blog in a little bit, so this update will cover a lot of stuff!

First, from the end of September to the first week of October is the last major holiday season in China until the Chinese new year in late January/Early February. We are sad we are going to miss that... But anyway we decided not to go anywhere this time. We were thinking that we could go to Xi'an, but it ended up being too much money and too much of a hastle with little kids to go too far outside of Beijing. But we did have a fun Rail Baron game, last one we will host in China. It was a fun game. It always seems to happen at the end of the game, including this game, where someone is going home, and I am close enough to catch them (and their $50,000) but roll one spot short of them. C'est la vie. We had fun.

As Canadian Thanksgiving does not really get a lot of credit outside of Canada, Chelsey and decided to host a small thanksgiving party for the Canadians (and spouses) in our branch, plus one from work. We did it on the Friday after Thanksgiving. We could not find turkey's at all right now (come US thanksgiving we can find them) so we did a couple large chickens. We had a bit of a (mis)adventure with that. We decided to debone them. That went fine enough, and it made it easy to cut up the chicken afterwards. We also cooked the Chicken in a crock pot. Which is where the misadventure part started happening. We decided to stuff the chickens with some stuffing that we made the other day. The stuffing got overcooked a little bit as one of the chickens split open during cooking. One (borrowed) Crock pot decided it did not like our transformer - the transformer started to smoke and also shorted the crock pot. So we put the chicken in a double boiler to cook (it worked) all day. The chicken got a little overcooked, so it fell apart, but at least it was not dry. Other then this, our dinner went really well! We had about 14 people all in all, and everyone had a lot of fun.

Now, our Jada update. She seems to be getting taller everyday, but not much heavier. She weighs in at a little over 10Kg. She is also quite smart, and understands a lot of words in both English and Chinese. The other day we were out and somebody said hello to her in Chinese and she started waving at them. She does so many cute things: She dances with music (wiggling her little body around). She has discovered dipping french fries in ketchup or bbq sauce (she loves it! So much that she started to dip just to get the sauce!). She copies us a lot, when she sees Chelsey sweep Jada will try to grab the broom and sweep as well. Once after she had made a mess she went and grabbed the broom and pushed her mess around a bit. She giggles, and all it takes to get her going is to Chelsey laugh a little bit. She is also very ticklish. She first smiles, but after the second or third time tickling her, she is going in full laughs. She is getting 4 new teeth, really close together too. A couple of weeks ago, she got her first molars on top. Then this morning we noticed that she is (finally) getting her next two bottom middle teeth. Poor Jada, did not get a break at all with those teeth! But by the time we are in Canada, she will look like she has a mouthful of teeth! Jada also will fake cough when Chelsey coughs. It is pretty funny!

Well, I think that is everything that is going on. We've been doing a lot more stuff around Beijing, at least shopping. We are almost done that, still a few more things to get. The Weather turned colder the last few days, so still have to do some of the outdoor touristy things. We've been here for a year and a half and still need to go see somethings. You might ask how is that possible, but we get busy with work then don't feel like going out on our day off.


5 reasons I think Chelsey is AWESOME

1) She is very supportive.
Chelsey is always supporting me, in all my endeavors wither it is going to China or helping me find a job I like or anything, I know that Chelsey is there.

2) She takes care of me.
Now, I don't need someone to take care of me all the time, but its the little things that Chelsey does for me that makes it very special. Telling which tie looks better, cutting my hair (when she thinks it's time!) and just making sure that I look the best.

3) She is there to talk to.
Whenever I have a problem, or just want to talk, Chelsey is there. She often stops what she is doing and will talk to me. She is always willing to listen and she is a very good listener.

4) She puts her family first
You can tell that Chelsey puts her family first by how much time she spends with Jada and I. Jada has a great role model as a mother - someone who always makes sure she spends some time with her daughter or husband, even when she is really busy.

5) She makes our house a home
Chelsey is really the main reason our house is a home. Not only does she make sure everything is clean (I help out where I can) but she makes sure our house is filled with love. You can tell that she really cares about this in the way she cooks, the way she cleans and in the way that she gets excited to see us if she has been gone for a while (or when I get off work)

Thank you Chelsey for being a great wife, and a great example for your family! Jada and I love you very much

7 Year Anniversary

7 often has good connotations. I guess in this case 7 represent many many hurdles jumped and much learned. I can count on less than one hand how many people I have talked to about this and it took me at least 2 years before I started opening up to very few people about this searching for answers. Writing this post is a huge step, it not only doubles the number of people I've talked to several times over but it also exposes what has embarrassed me, scared me and confused me and what I have kept to myself for many years. My hope is that, although most people won't have the same trials I have had, someone will be able to find strength and hope to get through whatever they may be struggling with in my story. Although my story is not finished it is a story of many struggles and many successes. 7 years ago around this time, just a couple months before my 20th birthday, my whole world was turned upside down. Prior to this I was a friendly, happy, young single adult, just finished my first year of university. I was able to make friends quite easily and form deep bonds with others. People often complimented me on how I always smiled and had a beautiful smile, that I was very sincere and sweet. I remember one day walking into the living area of the house where I was living with 6 other roommates. There was company over and everyone was socializing. All of a sudden a terrible panic came over me. Not your average fear but as if I were backed into a corner with a wild animal about to pounce. I felt like I was having a heart attack, each beat of my heart was searingly painful and all the muscles in my body felt like they were squeezing the life out of my like a giant cobra. I could barely breath. But the confusing thing was 'I' was not scared, why would I be, it made no sense, why was my body acting this way? But ever since that, that was my life anytime I was around people. It was no respecter persons, close friends, family, it made no difference. I was confused, desperate, scared and alone. I felt trapped inside my own body because it had no connection whatsoever to what I was thinking or how 'I' felt about a situation, it was not 'me' but I had no control over it. With it, all normal outwardly shown reactions or facial expression were gone and replaced with only one "I am stressed out". Every conversation or encounter was mentally, physically and emotionally exhausting. I tried so hard to control my body and make it react the way I was really feeling and it just came across forced and awkward. The muscles in my face would ache to the point of cramping up. I longed so much to be able to just smile at someone freely. I was determined to kick this thing in the pants and so I went on living just as I would have. I was in several institute classes, went to all the activities, dances, volunteered to teach Sunday school when all the teachers were away and I served a mission. I had faith that if I did everything I could that God would make up the difference. But I did not improve, every minute of everyday was mentally, physically and emotionally exhausting. On my mission I had a humbling experience that taught me a great lesson about how faith and God work. One afternoon I was walking around a park contacting and was suffering all the usual symptoms and feeling very broken down and depressed. I wanted so bad for it to disappear. I contacted these two girls and shared with them the message of the restoration of the Gospel. They then told me "you are glowing, you have a light shining all around you". Inside, I felt stressed out of my mind like I was going crazy but they saw something different. I was there to be a servant of God in his greatest work of bringing souls to him, just as I was. He made up the difference in his own wisdom. I still had not learned what I was suppose to learn through this trial. I confided in one of my mission companions about my struggles and she told me that she had known a guy, that a similar thing happened to, who had confided in her. Right after he graduated from high school all of a sudden his body started putting on a show of anger, out of context in social situations. Even though he did not feel angry all the bodily symptoms of anger came. It scared people away and alienated him. He felt very distraught and desperate. This is the first time I had ever even heard of a similar story existing. And then the summer I worked at temple city housing my trainer in drywalling told me that at some age between 30 and 40 (I can't remember) something happened to him. His family noticed that the once humorous, make everyone laugh guy was very withdrawn and took him to a physiatrist. He showed an interest in spiritual things so I gave him a book of Mormon and started sharing the Gospel with him and invited him to church. He gave up smoking and drinking and had a strong desire to come to church, he said he really longed for the community that church provides that helps you to stay on the right path and inspires you to keep looking towards Christ. He came from a strong christian background, his father was a minister, but was easily swayed by peer pressure. But even though he was on medication which took away the symptoms he was still deathly afraid to put himself in situations where his body had terrorized him. He avoided crowds at all costs. He then decided to be a non-denominational christian. He is very spiritual and his heart is in the right place, he taught me some great lessons on coming unto Christ that really inspired me. I hope that one day he can overcome his fears and have the community of the church that he longs for and will help him stay on the path.
For me what finally has worked, I have never been on medication, was lessening the exposure and stress in social situations. The opposite of what I was trying to do for all those years. I am not saying that people should give up and go hide in their house. If I had done that I would have never met my husband or had a child which have been key to my recovery.
Once my husband and I got our own place down in Rexburg I started to notice that it was beginning to break it up where once in a while I would have moments of normalcy again. And they got more and more frequent. Mike is very friendly and loves to socialize with people and so he got me out socializing while at the same time relieving some of the stress because he lead the conversation and the focus was mostly on him. It gave me a chance to start healing my subconscious as it saw that I could socialize without being totally stressed out. But when I had to go to work alone and my jobs were very social, I would do fine for a while and then an episode would occur and I was no longer able to control it in that environment. Ever since I had Jada I have made improvements in leaps and bounds. The symptoms are gone. I think being home with Jada most of the time has given me a rest so that I can heal my subconscious. Since it is not reminded all the time it has forgotten that social situations are life threatening and replaced it with more of a normal response. After 7 years my conscious is not the same as it was, it has some scares, even though the symptoms are gone I still remember and make myself nervous. I can deal with that though, that is miles above where I was. Digging my conscious mind out of a hole is much easier than my subconscious. I can more easily control my conscious mind with common sense and logical thinking and it more easily forgets. Imprints are not near as deep. I have high hopes that in a few years when it is no more than a distant memory, almost as if it isn't even my own that all traces will be gone. I have many people to thank for helping me win this battle, all those that have loved me unconditionally and have not treated me different and especially my husband for all of his support. I can not thank you enough. And to God for the things that I was able to learn through this trial and not letting me give up. It has taught me how to be more accepting of others flaws and weaknesses, and has taught me that people are never are as simple as we make them out to be. The assumptions that we make about people are almost always wrong and very misunderstanding. I have learned to assume the best or not assume at all and it has lead to a greater understanding of others and also how to love people and accept them despite what they may have done or are doing to hurt me. We are all in the same boat together.
Remember that I have only been doing really good for maybe 6 months, and really hard times are not far away and still scare me alot that they will return. I am not ready to talk about this in person, writing is easier for me and even a form of thearpy. I am writing this so that people can know and understand and help by not treating me different.


5 Reasons Why I Think Mike Should Earn The Best Husband Ever Award

He is not shy about expressing his feeling towards me, not even in public and multiple times a day he romances me with his words and loves to be close.

He is always concerned about my wellbeing, is very willing to help out in anyway he can and everyday several times a day asks if there is anything he can do or if there is anything I need or want.

He is in touch with me through text or short phone calls through out the day, checking up on me and letting me know how his day is going. It really builds our friendships and centers us on the most important thing, our marriage through all the business of life.

He never complains or points out my weaknesses or shortfalls, he only lifts me up, nor does he complain to friends or family about me. This really build respect and trust in our relationship.

Even when he is busy preparing for classes or other work things he takes frequent breaks to be with our daughter and I no matter what he is doing if I need his help he very willfully and happily jumps up to help. No matter what he always puts us first.

I feel so indepted to you everyday and stengthen/uplifted by your great spirit. Thank you for making everyday so wonderful. I love you.


News on Bean Number Two

We already told most of our families about the newest news on bean number 2 but I thought I would write a post about it partly because this blog is currently serving as our family journal as well as that there are still some people we haven't talk to yet. We went in for our first prenatal thinking we were 10 weeks which is the standard time for a first prenatal and an ultra sound told us that the baby is actually a little older than we thought. Only 5 days so not too much but that changes the due date to April 9th. Not right on our wedding anniversary anymore. Everything looks normal and healthy. We got to see the baby move and see/hear the heart beat. It was pretty cool. The baby is only 4.5 cm from head to rump but looks like a little human with long arms and legs, finger and toes and even the bone in the nose is there. It is really amazing. It was a last minute decision for Mike and Jada to come (just because of the long commute) but Mike was really glad he came, we did not know there would be an ultra sound. It is so magical seeing your little one. We are going to be back in canada just in time to schedule the 20 week ultrasound where we get to find out the sex of the baby. Nov. 9th is our flight. This baby can say that he/she was made in China. Jada was made in Canada born in China. We are really excited to be parents again. We love Jada so much and we know this new little one will expand our love that much more. When we were talking together about all the pros and cons of staying in China or returning to Canada I mentioned once that I didn't really want to have another baby here. I was willing to, I trust the chinese health care in Beijing, but it was a little worried knowing how different the culture is with typically the fathers not being allowed to be there and the high c-section rates and how they make you lie on your back perfectly still through your contractions (not fun). Jada was born in unusual circumstances so all regulations went out the window. She was born in an emergency room, all through contractions we were traveling from one hospital to another and transfering from one doctor to another to another, arguing with them about settling the bills (the only doctor that would take us was one whose fees could be covered by what mike had in his pocket at the time). They had mike there paying bills as I was pushing. So because of circumstances I was walking around during contractions, Mike was there, and Jada came so fast there wasn't time for anything but to just catch her. I know that if we had decided to stay here we could probably have worked things out to come to a compromise for everyone to feel comfortable. That is not the reason we decided to come home but I feel more at peace knowing we will be close to family and in an environment where I am more familiar with the way things are done and the language. It was a good experience to have Jada here and I am glad things worked out the ways they did. We were blessed alot. We came to China prepared, so we thought, we had a good amount of money for start up and $2000 extra that we were putting towards prenatal and birth costs. Starting up here ended up being more expensive then we had anticipated and it took longer than we had thought to find jobs so all the money we brought with us was gone by the time we got the first check from like 2 weeks of work that just barely was enough to pay rent and get us through june. By that time we were just months away from giving birth with $0 dollars saved. Yikes. We missed three prenatal appoinments. We had had 4 1/2 month of appoinments 3 missed and were going to have the last month of appointments in Canada. Jada was born at 35 weeks, we will never know if we had not missed those appoinments how things might have been different. If they would have noticed something that indicated a premature birth perhaps and what would have followed. We do know that there was someone watching out for us and our Jada because although things seemed to be heading for disaster right at the last moment there were tiny miracles that kept our heads above water. We found a doctor that we had just barley enough money to pay for(as we had just put the majority of our money towards plan tickets because we had decided to give birth in Canada), Jada was born perfectly healthy and with no complications, the ward all pulled in to help, jada's documents, passport and visa were issued just in time for our flight to Canada and all the visa stuff in Canada was resolved just in time to fly back to China and have enough working days to make rent. Many small miracles. Just a testimony that well things may not work out as we plan, if we live on faith things will work out for the best. And someday all things will be revealed to us. We did the best we could with our situation and God filled in the rest.


Partners in Mischief

Even though Jada won't tell us I am sure she is really going to miss Amber the bird. The have a very interesting relationship. Jada chases the bird around and tries to kick the bird and dump toys on it's head, the bird tries to steal Jada's binky, her food and pretty much anything she is playing with and yet they are the best of friends. They are rarely one without the other. They both chew on everything although Jada is outgrowing the bird in that and they both love to explore and they both like having a 24-7 play buddy. They are partners in mischief emptying out all the cupboards and drawers. Back when Jada started getting more mobile we picked up some corner protecters and Jada and the bird together sucessfully managed to pulled them off so many times that they don't stay on anymore. Jada is walking quite a bit now. I think by the time we are back in Canada in November (did we post about that? We have decided to head back in November, Mike just found out that he didn't get the embassy job today anyways.) Jada should be fairly sturdy on her feet.

China Moment
Yesterday I started feeling really nausous right as I was about to start cooking supper and what I had planned, just the thought of it, made the nausia worse so I decided to order in some chinese. The guy shows up at our door covered in sweat and says I just walked up 27 flights of stairs because the elevator is shut off (they were doing some electrical work in the building that I had forgotten about because it did not effect our apartment). Most restaurants and grocery stores (excluding international chain restaurants and stores) don't have a delivery fee. The guy was obviously really healthy and fit because he could talk just find and was only slightly out of breath. I just could not believe that he actually walked 27 flights of stairs for free. I gave him extra money and I should have offered some water because he then had to turn around and walk back down but I was not thinking.

I went visiting teaching today and we had a good discussion about one of the lines in the message that said we need to speak respectfully of family and marriage. The message was on nurturing the next generation. It is something I had not thought too much about before, it has never been a problem of mine just not my personality and it goes against my moral code, but in our discussion I realize how important it is that we think about our words and the impact they have on our children, and whoever eles we talk to, in how we talk about our spouse. I am thankful for my parents who always praised each other and never complained about each other to us or others. I have always had very positive feelings towards marriage and family because of their example. Family is central to everything, their success, their happiness and it is also one of the most attacked things in the world today. It can be easy to develop a pesimistic view of marriage and family from they way it is mocked on T.V and in everyday conversation. It so important to counteract that through the way we portray our feelings of marriage to our children and the way they see us interact with each other. Hey there is another bonus, a happy, loving, respect filled relationship with your spouse.


A Tribute to My Parents

I have tremedous respect and love for both of you. The more experience I have in life the more I realized just how amazing you are. I could not have asked for better examples to teach me about life, spirituality, relationships, respect, who I am and who I can be.
Growing up I always loved seeing you express affection to one another. I don't remember any demening or harsh word, not to us or each other, but my memories of you are filled with images of tenderness, love, and self-sacrifice. Home has always been a place of acceptance, tolerance, understanding, joy, excitment, closeness and love. I love to see you smile and hear your laugh and your humor.
I have never heard you say anything bad about anyone, be judgemental or be involved in gossip. Even at times when someones actions were directly impacting you and our family. Your example showed me deep, unconditional respect for others and yourself. The ultimate way of respecting others is to uplift them with your word and honor their name and to accept people who have different opinions, way of doing things, ways of thinking, ect. This is so important to me. I meet people everyday who have differences and those differences are so wonderful, they teach me new ways to think and new ways to do things. If we can't open our mind up to new ideas how can we improve, grow and expand our knowledge and how can we understand others and show them charity.
You have always taught through example, frugality, self-dicipline and hardwork. These three habits have helped me along in life in so many ways and I highly value them. Without these I don't believe that we are able to accomplish as much with the time we have and it makes life that much more meaningful as well as giving us more self-respect.

All of these are principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ that are given to us to help us overcome the natural man and find true joy. You have lived your testimony of the principles of the gosple and seeing the effect of this in your life and my own is the most wonderful gift you have given me.

I want to live your example the way you do, especially as a mother starting my own family and I feel that I fall short in many ways. I often think of you and remember your example. Thank you.


Mike's Interview

Mike called me today after his interview to tell me how it went. We know that some people are wanting to know how the interview went so I am writing this for mike since he does not get home until 11 p.m. tonight, just part of the life of an English teacher. Sorry to say there really is not much to tell as far as if he gets the job or not, I know, we were really hoping to find out too. He said that he was one of 10-15 people being interviewed. That makes me wonder if there will be a second interview or not as they did not narrow down the list much from the test where it was at 20 I think. Mike says that this is good experience for him as it gives him an idea for how the hiring process goes in these kind of jobs and helps him gain more confidence. He asked some question at the interviewing because Mike and I, ever since he got the email inviting him to come and take a test, have been praying about, discussing it with each other and our parent and the branch presidency/other people at church that have experience in these things all of our options and wondering which one was best. It was basically two options: go back to Canada or stay in Beijing. We knew that taking the job would mean a lot of sacrifice and even some risks that made us feel a uneasy (job is very low wage that would not cover our basic needs and has no benefits due to the fact that it is a local position and we are not medically insured with another baby on the way and a history of premature births). We would be putting our self in a very unstable and risky position but we also felt that if this job could allow Mike to get his foot in the door into a career he is interested in and help him get a better position then what should we do? Both options have a possibility of working out just fine and both have uncertainties. We would be crazy to put our self in that position but then we were in a crazy position when Jada was born and we had followed the feelings we got from prayers and things worked out just fine, in fact there were huge blessings poured out upon us. We felt that if we are supposed to be in China longer that through faith things would work out. And so we have been praying and pondering and discussing to know what the Lord would have us do or if both are good and it is our choice. We have both been feeling that going back to Canada would be a good option as we have been feeling more and more confident and good about his career options there as well as feeling more secure about that option but have not totally made that decision yet. Mike went to the interview prepared with some question that he hoped would give us a clearer idea of what kind of prospect of advancement this position has. When he called me after his interview he said that they told him that he could apply for other positions in the embassy as they come up but that there would be no guarantee based on the high competition of those positions. He told me that after the interview his feelings were at about 30 percent for staying if he is offered the position and 70 percent for looking in Canada for a opening. No definite answers yet but we are both feeling less and less confused about what is the better choice.
This has been totally a mutual decision making process. It has really helped us to grow and become even closer to each other and the Lord. We are grateful for the guidance and blessing the Lord has given us, we are so grateful for faithful parents that have taught us to trust in the Lord. We feel confident that things will work out, maybe not how we may plan but for a greater purpose and agenda then our own if we act in faith.


A cute picture

Mom and baby, both doing some stretching this morning. Jada really likes to do this pose, and will often look through her legs at us and smile! This morning when Jada was doing it, Chelsey decided to do it too and smile at Jada. Jada then crawled under Chelsey's legs and did it with mom!

We just got her weighed (on a fruit/veggie scale in the little store downstairs) and she is 9Kg, or 19.8 Lbs. She is growing, but still is a small baby.


one step closer

I got an email from the embassy today :)! They want me to come in for an interview next week, so this means that this job is progressing to closer to a possiblity. Chelsey thinks that there is a good chance that I will get the job, having made it this far. The interview is going to take about 40 minutes, so it is a LONG interview! But here is hoping!
As far as this changes our plans, we don't really know yet. If we get this job, then the next Innes baby will also probably be born in China. We have a friend who lives in our complex who is a Canadian Chinese, and has also had a baby here. So she will introduce a hospital to us, (A Chinese hospital, it fits in our price range) and she would also be able to help us know a little more about our options here.
Please keep us in your prayers, and your fingers crossed! we will let you know as we find out!


Jada makes another huge milestone

Our little girl walked today. Mike and I were both right there to see it. She took 4-5 steps with hands waving over her head. We made a big deal about it and I guess that and the invigoration of having just took her first steps got her super hyper. She kept walking short distances over and over again and going as fast as she could to start over again. She was just laughing and screeching with delight. We wish we had got it on video because it was so cute. I don't think I have ever seen her this thrilled about something.


Great News!

Jada is going to be a big sister in nine months. For her one year birthday we found out she is going to be a big sister. Mike and I are really excited. We are really looking forward to repeating all the wonderful experiences we have had with Jada up to now. We already have a name picked out if it is a boy, Caleb Micheal Innes. For a girl, we haven't thought about it yet, Caleb Michael is a name we have liked for a long while. But name are known to change at last minute so we will see. More great news is this pregnancy will be during the winter months. Due date is April 14th (our wedding anniversary) and we are currently in week 4. We still don't know all our plans yet but at the moment it is very likely that this baby will be born in China as well and within 2 years of being here we will have had 2 babies, one per year. We are very happy and excited to see how Jada adapts to being a big sister.
Other really great news is that the opportunity for the Embassy job that Mike had figured was no longer available because the closing date was a month ago and he hadn't heard anything, seems to be more possible now. He got an email last week saying that he has been invited to take a written test Wednesday morning. This is a great opportunity to spring into a Career. It gives him lots of exposure and contacts in possible job markets that he could get into and maybe even a better position at the embassy. That is our hope. One of our friends from church said that several of his friends started out in grunt embassy jobs and it always spring boarded into something else. We are really hoping this works out.



Our Little Jada-Bean is now a laughing, singing, dancing, climbing and crawling 1 year old baby!

Jada opening her present, with mom's help

A very Pretty Jade Rose for our Jada Rose

She found playing with it more fun

A close up of the necklace.
Jada's Cake. We couldn't find a birthday candle, so used this.

Dad Had to help blow out the candle

She decided to forgo hands at all and just bite!

We can't believe that it has already been a year! Time sure goes by quickly, and a lot of different things have happened in this year that we are glad for. Most of all that we have had a very healthy baby. I know that some of you think that Jada now needs a little brother or sister, but that will come in due time.
Lately Jada has discovered opening and closing doors (as long as it is not latched), opening and closing drawers, and pulling everything out. She is not so good at putting things back in, poor mom spends half her day putting things back into drawers. She has also discovered that she is part monkey, so climbs anything and everything that is in reach. She has climbed up to the top of her stroller seat, climbs up in the basket underneath, climbs up onto the couches (our bed and her pack n' play are a little high yet), climbs up our coffee table and tries to sit on the computer, climbs up onto the TV stand and shakes the TV around (it's a large flat screen, we don't want it falling on her, so have a plant and chair to block it. Good thing we don't really watch TV!), she climbs up chairs, and has also gotten from the chair onto the table once, and climbs up step-stools. Once she figures out how to climb something, she keeps climbing it, and gets faster and faster at it.
She is also good at climbing up playgrounds. Yesterday (on her birthday) we went to a friends house for a small potluck dinner with them and another couple. After dinner we all went outside to the complex park and playground. Jada had a lot of fun climbing up on the playground, and also sliding down the slide. When she slide down, she starting getting this big big smile and her hair was sticking up all over the place due to the static on the slide. We wish we had a picture of that.
Jada is also getting into a lot of things. Chelsey has to be careful when putting groceries away, because if they are in Jada reach, Jada will grab things and start taking bites out of it, even if it is something that she does not care for, like tomatoes. Several times Chelsey has turned around for just a second and then found several small bites out of different items. Once we bought some peaches, and in the time that it took Chelsey to put something else away, Jada had taken one bite out of two or three different peaches!
Jada for the most part is a well behaved baby. She is also very smiley. When I get home from work, or running some errands, and I walk in the door, Jada gets this ear to ear smile and starts making excited sounds. It is so cute!
Jada is interacting more and more with kids instead of watching them. About two weeks ago Chelsey had Jada outside, and Jada and another little kid her age were having crawling races and smiling at each other.
Perhaps it is just Chinese who can't tell, but about 90-95% of the time, people guess she is a boy and call her 'little brother'. Chinese people keep telling us to shave her head so her hair will grow faster. Chinese kids get their hair shaved at 1 and 2 months old. Perhaps they think that if her hair grows faster, it will be easier to tell that she is a 'little sister' not brother.
Jada, thank you for coming into our life. We have sure enjoyed this first year with you and you are a very special girl. We love you a lot, and wish you many many more years to learn and grow and have fun.


Stay fit, Be healthy

Everyone knows or has known that couple in their 50's plus that run a couple miles everyday and have more energy and stamina then many who are half their age. For us that couple is the Bensfields. We stayed at their house for a couple of days a few months back when a pipe in our bathroom was being fixed. I noticed that she would go out for a run everyday and after dinner her and her husband would go work out. Both of them are two of the happiest most energetic people that I know. The longer time we had to get to know them I started to add things up. Happy, energetic, healthy, physically fit, gray hair and all and they have made exercise a regular part of their life ever since they were young.

A couple of weeks ago Mike and I decided that we want to be that couple when we turn fifty and have grey hair. And so we have made some changes to our daily life as well as setting some goals.
Already we have started seeing changes. We laugh about it and rejoice in that fact that we are falling out of our clothes. All of Mike's pants that he brought with him from Canada he can now pull off with belt on and zipper up. Mike had some dress pants Tailor made a few months ago and he can feel a difference in the way they fit, he can put a few fingers in at his waist. Just yesterday I tried on an old pair of Capri's that I bought after my mission, which just months ago I could not do up the button let along the zipper, and they fit perfectly.

These are the changes that we have made and our goals to live a healthier life.

Improving our Diet and Nutrition: We have reduced sodium and unhealthy oils/fats in our diet. Increased healthy fats such as healthy oils, nuts and seeds (homemade granola bars, and granola yumm!)We have also enriched our diet with whole grains, nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables and beans. Decreased ice cream snacks significantly (But still enjoy it. If you cut everything out, life's no fun!). We are concentrating on not overeating but just eating until we are not hungry anymore. We cook at home more and try to eat meat only one meal a day instead of two to three, or reduce the amount of meat in a meal. There are tons of really tasty things you can do such as pastas, stir-fries, pizzas, curries, tacos and quesadillas, soups and stews ect. that can be super delicious vegetarian, especially with the addition of fresh herbs and spices. Not that meat is bad just that the more meat you eat the less other variety of other foods you eat. We are not going to become Vegetarians or anything, just eating less meat.

Exercise: We walk places as much of possible, and embrace stairs (except when we have to walk up 27 floors.... Mike had to do that 2.5 times last week). Mike walks part of the way (or home) to work everyday (about 2.5 Km) and we walk places together. I dance, skip rope or do aerobics for 30 to 40 mins everyday as well as doing a 20 minute body weight workout 3 times a week that is specifically designed for women that targets legs, butt, hips, thighs,and tummy. Every night before we go to bed we cheer each other on to see how many push-ups we can do. We are still making plans and goals in this area.

Little Habit Changes: We are each making small changes to become habits that increase our activity. Such as finding active hobbies, minimizing time spent on the computer, doing an extra chore around the house and staying active for at least 10-15 minutes right after we eat by cleaning up right away and/or going on a family walk, etc. Little changes make a big difference in the long run. We are basically just trying to slowly change our life style to be more active by forming new habits and new hobbies.

Motivation: We focus on things that motivate us such as health benefits, people we want to be like such as the Benesfields, just looking and feeling good, being a good example to our children of taking care of these gifts we have been given, our bodies and our life.

We really want to make this how we live for the rest of our lives. Check up on us, help us along. Once we get to the it is a way of life and habit for us it will be easier. We feel it is a million times over worth it. What a wonderful gift we can give to Jada to help her form healthy habits from childhood.


Tour Guides for a Day or Three

Heather's sister Debbie and her family came to Beijing and we volunteered to show them around. Heather is Mike's sister-in-law's sister so although very distantly related, especially for me, they are family. They are such a friendly couple, they treated us like family they hadn't seen in a long time. We had such a good time and are sad they are gone. I felt like we had a mini vacation along with them which we were really craving. They were only here for three days so it was three very full days to get all the must dos in. We all went to the great wall together. If any of you come to China, Mike is the tour guide to get. I swear he knows everything (Mike says that is not true). They quizzed him on Chinese history all the way to the great wall. We went to a different part of the same section that we were at a couple months ago. We didn't have to climb the mountain as much to get to the sky lift that put us on top of the wall but man, it was one INTENSE hike once we were there. Some of the stairs were so steep that when you got to the top and looked back you could not see most of the stair case, as close to vertical as you can get without falling over backwards, and to add they were not short stair cases. Jack counted 107 stairs on one of the stretches. The individual stairs were extra tall as well. About half way most of us waited in a guard tower while Debbie and her son Joey finished the hike. She got where the wall was no longer restored and unsafe to go past. She said it was all grown over with vegetation and in poor condition. She said she was determined to do the whole thing. Once we were done hiking on top of the wall, we took the toboggan sled down the mountain. It is a lot of fun to do. Debbie was behind Mike, and the person behind her kept yelling at her to go faster, but she was limited in what Mike was doing. Poor Mike was leaning forward with all his weight to try to go faster, and his sled was barely moving.

We got back to Beijing, and after a meal (which ended up being a little too spicy, even asking them not to make it spicy) we went to the Silk Market for some shopping. Shopping there can be an interesting and trying process, as it is all bargaining. Because it is a huge tourist market, they start the prices out very high - sometimes what seems like 500% higher then what is a fair price, or what you can get it down to. Most tourists don't always understand the currency, and are not used to bargaining, so they end up paying double or more what they should. Chelsey and I being the Beijinger's that we are knew a lot of the true prices, so were able to get decent prices for the McFaddens. For example, they wanted some chopsticks. While Mike was not looking, she started looking at the some chopsticks, and had started bargaining. Before the deal was done, Mike got there, and knocked off another 50 RMB/set for the chopsticks. The vendor was not very happy with Mike, as she lost some profit. Another vendor for some Jade said to make sure that Mike and I come back, but don't bring anyone like Debbie back (who was a hard barganer herself, having lived in Mexico before). Mike had to go to work for a couple hours that evening, but we continued to shop. Some of the other vendors were also really hard - This one that we got some silk shirts at would not even bargain until she had done this 15 minute speech on how she had called us a friend, and that if we tried to bargian lower that we were insulting her. We probably should have walked away from that vendor long before we did and found a nicer vendor for silk shirts. Bargaining can be a phsycological game sometimes. They are very skilled at it. It is alot about acting. They will use your generosity, morals, ethics, and compasion to get the ball in their court, just like the girl I mentioned who started of immediatley by using an ageless strategy of trying to make me feel that I owed her something and that she was doing me a favour. By the way, her friend price was over three hundred american dollars for two silk shirts.

Yesterday, they went to the forbidden city, but unfortunatly we could not go. Mike had some training, and I new Jada wouldn't handle a whole day out in the sun with no naps very well. We met them for dinner and had some dumplings. Part of what we did is took them to some resturants and help them order so that they could get good food, as well as know what it was. In the first resturant, Jada was playing peek-a-boo with a little boy, peeking around corners and smiling at him. That is the first time I have seen her actually play with other kids. They are going to send us the pictures, so we will post them when we get them.

They left this morning, and we helped arrainge a driver with a van to take them to the airport, saving them quite a bit there as well. It was a busy couple of days, but a lot of fun. We will miss them, and wish them safe travels.


Mike's Busy Schedule

So I have a new job now. I am teaching English still, just with another company. I now work with "Elite" From New Oriental. It pays 150 RMB (22 USD) an hour, but it is only part time. At least they provide a visa and it will pay the bills, as long as they schedule me for enough hours. But if they don't, because it is part time, I have time to work other jobs if needed. Already, for a little bit anyway, I have two other part time jobs. One that starts on Friday, and another that starts next week. They are both temporary, but are corporate trainings, so pay even more. Just means next week I will be crazy busy! I'll be working most evenings at New Oriental, then Friday nights I'll work two hours at the Hilton hotel teaching some of the housekeeping staff English (200 RMB/29USD an hour). This job lasts for 10 weeks. Then next week, I'll be teaching more English at a hotel in Tianjin Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings, 2 hours each morning (at 240 RMB/35USD an hour). The only bad thing about the Tianjin class is the travel - its a little over an hour each way, but considering many times it takes up to an hour to get places in Beijing, it is not horrid. This class lasts about a month or so, so at least I don't have to
So in recap, I'll be teaching whatever hours at New Oriental; Wendnesdays to Friday from 10-12 (plus travel); Friday from 5:30-7:30, all at differernt jobs! Busy, yes it will be. Things will work out, and it will help us get some money for now.


More pictures and update!

We are currently still on the job hunt. Mike just recently finished a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) and has been working part time at his old company until he finds something new. We have been seeing a lot of blessings. An old contact randomly called mike up and has been offering him temporary jobs teaching corporate English for some hotels. Those are cash cows, big bucks! 30 plus dollars an hour. And the TEFL qualifies him for some of the highest competing English Schools. He also put in an application for an entry level position at the Canadian embassy, cross your fingers, which would be really great for getting a foot in the door and making some contacts. He is seriously thinking of working for the government as his long term career. Other than that this month he has had more time to spend with his family, smile, and a much needed break from the hectic hours he was working the last month or so of his contract at Pattison English. He taught 144 classes in May. They have this stupid policy that if the student doesn't give 24 hours notice and are a no show then the students are not refunded the money, company pockets it, but it counts as a class to be made up by the teacher. And also for a while there they had a policy that if there was only one student signed up for a group class they canceled it and again the teacher was still required to meet their teaching quota for the month. So Mike ended up being short 50 classes at the end of the year to make up even though he had never missed a day. Stupid eh. So they worked him like a dog for the last month and a half with no overtime pay, teaching 7 and 8 classes a day plus prepare time, and he still had 11 to make up at the end of his contract. So he had to teach those 11 classes without pay! dumb. Sorry I use the words dumb and stupid a lot when talking about this but that is how I feel. That is what motivated him to get the TEFL so he could sign on with a better company. One company he has interviewed with already told him that the teacher only would have to make up classes he missed (ie he gets sick) not the students cancelling or no shows. Much better!
Enough ranting now on to Jada!
There are fountains on the grounds of our apartment complex and Jada's new favourite thing is to kick her feet in the water. She goes for them with gusto. It is so cute, she always gets several passersby stopping to watch and take pictures. Chinese people are constantly telling me she's too hot or too cold, you should do this, you shouldn't do that. Don't let her put that in her mouth, she needs to wear socks, you can't feed her that, ect. ect. So I was really surprised when nobody said anything about me letting her kick her feet in the water. I got a few, is the water cool? questions. Will she be cold? But no scoldings. I have noticed that people in this complex are more understanding towards foreigners and the things they do different, I guess because there are several foreigners living in this complex. I have here tell me that the way I raise my child is good, that Chinese children get sick easily because there parent don't let them put anything in their mouth, are really concerned about them being too hot or too cold and so really protect them in that respects. I just think there is no one right way to raise a child. No matter where you go in the world people have different opinions about these things and the kids are fine for the most part. I think every parent should follow there instinct about what is best for their child. In fact, some of the things that parents do here would make parents in Canada feel VERY uncomfortable. Such as babies and young children walking about in open crotch pants, mothers exposing their breast to feed in public (not being discreet at all), parents letting there kids pee anywhere, including in front of a restaurant ( I saw this once).
Anyways back to what I was talking about. When Jada starts kicking in the water the other kids want to too because she looks so happy. And so a few parents have let their kids kick in the water as well. We are thinking of talking her to a kiddy pool somewhere soon, she would love that.
For the first time yesterday Jada told us when she had to go pee. She didn't make the que sound I have been teaching her but she started whining, looked at us and put her hand there. We are still a long way away from that being a constant thing but it is a start. She got lots of claps for that one.
She has also started to wave. She is picking up new things at a rapid pace. We are working on saving the money to hopefully be able to make it back to Canada for Christmas, we miss family and would love to see Jada with her cousins, grandparents and aunts and uncles.


Jada at 10 Months

Jada is getting so smart and has started doing several new things recently. One big one that we have been looking for and anticipating for some time now is crawling. We thought she might end up being one of those babies that walks before they crawl and she was close. She started walking around furniture long before she started crawling and she is still way more efficient at that. Her first time crawling was only about 5 minutes before Mike got home from work which was sad but she crawled to him when he got home. She can really get herself around now. She walks around funiture, walls, door frames,ect., can go from laying down to sitting to standing and standing to sitting and can crawl. She is quite vocal with lots of new sounds. Every time I sing she starts "singing" and whenever mike growls at her she growls back. She also has recently started throwing miny temper tantrums nothing like when she gets a little older but she throws her body back and screams high piched but it only ever lasts a second or two and then she decides she is fine. She LOVES spashing water. I was trying to show her how to blow bubbles with a straw the other day and she didn`t pick that up but had a grand old time making a big puddle and splashing around in it. She also LOVES to empty things out. She doesn`t put them back in yet, I keep showing her so she will get there. Today she crawled over to the table and was walking around the chairs and got under the tables. There are cross beams on the underside of the table and she is just short enough to stand up under the table inbetween the cross beams. But she couldn`t figure out that she needed to duck to get passed the cross beams and so got really upset because everytime she moved she hit her head. That was quite difficult getting a scared, stiff baby that wouldn`t bend her knees out from under the table. That really hit home to me just how much a baby has to learn. I totally take ducking for granted. Just recenly when we go to greet her in the morning or after a nap we find her standing up in her bed and it is a favourite game of her for us to kiss her hands through the mesh sides of her pack and play. She absolutly loves pick a boo type games. That gets lots of giggles and and screams of delight and she will try to find us or the object that we have moved out of sight. She GAUCKS at babies and other little kids, it is so funny. She still eats just about anything that we put infront of her which is huge blessing as parents. She uses her pinchers to pick up small chunks of food and she always seems very pleased as she looks around the table at us as we eat together. We recently got a high chair. We were feeding her in her walker before because it has a tray but it was harder to keep her in one place which ment more clean-up. She has 6 teeth now, I almost forgot to mention that. She is a little cutie, her hair is getting blonder and her skin is getting darker with Bejing`s hot summer days. We love her lots. She is a huge joy and blessing in our lives. Mike is a great dad to her, they are good pals. It is fun to watch him play with her. You can see how much they love each other.


housewarming party extraordinaire

When you move having a housewarming party really makes you feel settled in and that you have a warm house. We invited 30 people, and probably 25 showed up so it was a full house with a mix of friends from work and church.

We made pulled pork with homemade BBQ sauce, coleslaw (Thanks Mom Innes for the recipe! People loved it and asked for the recipe) and a plethora of smoothies. As one flavour ran out, we would make another one.

We started with Lime-razzy, then strawberry-mango, then orange-pineapple-banana, ending up with dad Innes' special: chocolate-marshmallow-grape!

With the chocolate-marshmallow-grape, we made it into a game: We gave everyone a taste, and they had to write down what they thought that the flavours were. 4 people got 2/3 right but no one got all three - 3 of them said chocolate and grape, only 1 said chocolate and marshmallow. So we drew the winner (who got a tolberbone bar) out of those 4 people and gave everyone else a small chocolate bar (someone brought them as housewarming gifts, so why not) as a prize for trying. People where guessing everything from Chocolate covered cherries (quite common guess) to Tootsie rolls (very common) to my favorite "deliciousness, mmmm and chocolate"! Someone else said chocolate and magic. But everyone agreed that this flavour combo is quite good.

All the Innes' know the story behind it, but for those who don't this is the story behind it: A number of years ago he went to Peter's Drive In in Calgary, with a bunch of friends who dared each other to come up with the weirdest flavour combination (Peter's something like 30 flavour options). Dad Innes said Chocolate Marshmallow grape. He won the dare, and the milkshake was surprisingly good, so has became a favorite ever since.

BTW, the ratio that we came up with is: 4 cups ice cream, 1-2 cups milk (depending on how thick you like it), 3 tablespoons grape concentrate (we found one that is almost a jam, just not as thick), 5 tablespoons sweetened chocolate powder (ie Nestle Quick) and 5 tablespoons marshmallow cream (we made our own, really simple to do). Adjust ratios as needed. Of course, some of the ingredients in Canada will be different then in China, so the ratios could be a little different. You'll have to play around with it until it tastes right - Chocolate with grape with a hint of marshmallow - no flavour should overpower any other, but if you were to order the flavours it would be Chocolate, Grape, than Marshmallow. This is definitely going in our family memories cookbook.

Everyone had a good time which made us happy!


Moving and Great Wall

We have been living in our new apartment for just over a week now, and we are loving it! It is 95 square meters, but feels bigger as it is really roomy and open. It gives us lots of space, and an awesome view!

Moving did not go too bad. Most of our stuff fit in suitcases, and Chelsey was able to wheel them over (a couple people from the realtor helped moved them). After signing the contract I had to go straight to work so I was not able to help out. We were going to do a bunch of it on Tuesday (I had the day off) but Monday night the Halls came over and helped move a bunch of stuff. They took it downstairs to their van, and then drove the van through the parking lot to the new building and took it upstairs. So there really was not much left to do on Tuesday. The apartment really feels like a home now that we are unpacked (more or less) and have our pictures up on the wall. We have also gotten done a lot of firsts in a new home that makes it feel like a home - first family meal, first guests, etc.
Jada is cutting a new tooth, and was really not doing well for a couple of days. She had a fairly high fever for about two days, and we were concerned about her enough that Bro. Hall and I gave her a blessing. She is doing a lot better now, and is back to her happy normal self. The tooth does not seem to be the front top tooth, but rather one of the ones beside those. I guess we will see when it is more visible.

On Saturday, our plans fell through, so we decided to go to the Great Wall! We had been planning to go for some time, but we just decided to go when we woke up in the morning, kinda spur of the moment. We went to the MuTianYu section, which is a little further away from Beijing but in my opinion a lot nicer section than BaDaLing which is closer. Beijingers say "People from outside Beijing go to BaDaLing, but locals go to MuTianYu." The crowds were not that bad for a Saturday, partly because it was a hot day - close to 30C (but there was a nice breeze), partly because it is still early in the tourist season, and partly because it was not that clear outside (Beijing Smog). We were there about 6 hours all in all, including travel time. This was Chelsey and Jadas first trip to the great wall (my third). We had a lot of fun. We decided to take a driver out there instead of taking the bus. It was a little expensive at 500 RMB (73USD, the bus would have cost about 220RMB/34USD) We figure that the extra 300RMB was worth a happy baby. On the bus she would not have been able to sleep that well because many people would be looking at her, but in the car she had a good nap there and a good nap back. Many Internet sources said that a driver should have cost about 400RMB (58 USD) but the drivers near us would not do it for that much. The price with drivers is all negotiated, and 500 is quite a bit lower then the 900 they started at so we were happy.

Later Saturday we had some of our friends over for supper, as they were in the area looking for apartments. We made some Sweet and Sour Pork (Tangcu Liji), some marinated cucumbers (Pai Huang Gua) and some dumplings (jiaozi). It was a lot of fun, and we were happy that we could host some friends in our new apartment! We actually have 4 matching chairs! It makes us very happy. We also have a couple of extra chairs in case we need them. Saturday was a busy day, but it was a lot of fun!