
A Duh Moment and More on the Growing Bean

A few months ago I was wandering around this Market near our home grabbing a few things that we needed and I walked past this shop that had all these cute little outfits that looked tinny enough for premie babies which is what Jada was. There were ladybugs and turtles and other really cute themed outfits. The chatted with the store owner who was standing there about how cute the outfits were and she asked me all kinds of questions about Jada. I asked her how many months old were the outfits for and she told me she had sizes all the way from 0-6 months. I didn't buy any because we were low on money. Here is the Duh moment. So Mike and I were at that same market yesterday and I saw the little outfits hanging there as they were before and then I realized that it was a PET STORE and those were little outfits for DOGS. How dumb did I feel and that lady totally let me think that they were baby clothes. Now that I just admitted to a very dumb blonde moment I hope you all are nice to me in your comments, hehe.
And for more on the growing bean; Jada has started eating solid food. I noticed that Jada was starting to complain about still being hungry after I feed her so I looked up what the signs are for when an infant is ready to start eating solid foods. Jada checked off for all the signs, she holds her head up, she is able to move food from the front of her mouth to the back, she is making chewing motions, she is teething, ect. It is so much fun for us to introduce the world of food to her. She is mostly just eating plain rice cereal and she has eaten some pureed yam. She is really good at keeping food in her mouth, her bibs are barely touched afterwards. She just chomps down on that spoon. She will be six months in about a week and her eye color is still a mistery to us. They were a dark dark grey blue at birth. The blue has gotten less grey and a more vibrant dark blue and they are slowly turning green from the center out. They are a beautiful color, they probably won't stay that color. The question now is will they get more and more green and eventually turn brown or will the blue keep getting bluer and the two colors will meet somewhere in the middle? I guess time will only tell. I have heard that green eyes are a result of incomplete dominance where blue and brown share dominance and they mix resulting in the color green.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

How embarrassing! Maybe she didn't recognize you...