
One Secret to a Healthy and Happy Long Life

Since Jada is starting to eat solid food and of course I want to make sure she is getting all the vitamins and minerals she needs to grow up healthy I have been doing a little research and I came across a list of the 10 healthiest foods in the world, some of them surprise me. Eat more of these and you should be feeling healthier which equals happier and both make life that much better. There are many health benefits attributed to each one but I just choose one or two of them for each that I thought were interesting to share with you.
Spinach- Spinach is rich in iron, amount a number of other vitamins and minerals, ect. , which gives you strength and energy.
Broccoli- interesting fact about broccoli is that it reduces the risk of Cancer.
Cauliflower- slows the growth of tumors.
Sweet potato- ranked highest in nutritional value.
Tomato- Benefits for the heart.
Apples- help with weight loss and controling colesteral.
Blueberries-slows affects of alzetimers and other effects of aging as well as lowering brain damage due to strokes.
Almonds- contains one of the good fats that lowers LDL colesterol and they are gluten-free.
Salmon- important for brain function and structure.
Yogurt- helps with digestion.
There you have it.
Another tip for all of those new mothers out there. I want to share with you something that you can do to help tighten up those stomach muscles and get them back to normal that I have found works really well. For some people it is hard to stick to an exercise routine, we just get busy and as new moms that is definetely true. This takes no time at all, it is something you can do any time, any where without stopping what you are doing. Just when ever you think about it tighten your stomach muscles, like you are sucking in, and hold it for about 10 sec and then release. So easy, you can do it with any other part of your body that you want to strengthen your muscles in as well.

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