
Jada grew!

We went to the doctor today to do a checkup for Jada. She is still small, but healthy in every way!
As most babies, she lost weight after she was born. She was born at 2.47Kg (5Lbs, 6oz), went down to 2.38 Kg (5lbs, 4oz) a few days after she was born, and she now is 2.5Kg (5lbs, 8oz)! YAY! She regained her birth weight plus a bit. Now you are probably thinking 120g/4 oz is not a lot, and your right. Remember Jada is only two weeks old, so that is quite an achievement for her, as well when you are that size, it makes a huge difference. Comparitably, if I were to gain weight at the same rate, I would have put on 5Kg (11lbs) or more in two weeks - assuming of course I did the math right. I weight about 250lbs (113Kg). If someone figures I did this wrong let me know ok? This would be unhealthy for me, but for Jada, it is right about where she needs to be. For a while starting from now, she should be gaining up to 1 kg (or 2lbs) a month. A couple more good things about Jada. Her Jaundice is down by halfish (according to the readings) and is barely noticeable on her face now. She is also at a weight and age where she could get vaccinated in China. Their schedule is to give a BCG (for TB) and Hep B shot at birth. I know that Canada they don't do those right away. Any thoughts - Should we follow the Chinese Vaccination schedule or the Canadian one?

Other things are going well. We are hopping to be on track with our visa issues, we will find out for sure on Thursday when we go pick them up. We are still planning to go to Canada, now on September 23rd. We will be there for a few weeks, then come back to China to finish up my contract with work. From there.... We have yet to decide exactly what is going to happen once we reach that. I am looking at a couple different options, and I might just try to go for all of them, and see which one fits the best for us.

For the time being, I (usually) enjoy teaching English. There are students I like, and others that try my patience, but on a whole, it is quite enjoyable. I'll post more on this when I gather my thoughts a little more. It is slowing down a little more, as school is starting back up soon. Not that I teach children, but we have a lot of university students.

That is all I can think of to say now

1 comment:

Amy, Mike and our Girls said...

I love hearing how Jada is doing and can't wait to see her. I don't know which vaccine schedule you should use? Where do you think she will be living most?