
Toto, I don't think we are in [Canada] anymore

We arrived in the middle kingdom! It is a LOOOOOOOONG flight, but we surived. We got into the city about 3:30, and then got to our hostel about 5:30pm (customs/baggage claim/travel, ect). When you fly to Asia, you cross around 15 timezones, so jet lag can be a killer! We stayed up until about 7:30, that was about the best we could do and then we crashed. We had really good sleep for about 3 hours, and than after that we were both getting up about once an hour. After about 4am (2:30pm MST), we were both wide awake, and just lounged around in bed for about an hour and a half. We did not want to get up before the sun, but I think that we beat it by a little bit. We hope to stay awake today (even if we take a little nap) and get our schedual quickly on this time zone. We found some breakfast today, and we are soon heading off to church. Right outside our hostel is a very noisy market, so we walked around alittle bit. Things should go well for us!

1 comment:

Amy, Mike and our Girls said...

Congrats on arriving in China. Glad you are there safe! Keep us posted.