
The Baby Bump

For those of you who are asking how big the baby bump is, here is a picture. She is a really active little one. She has gotten big enough and strong enough that you can see her movements and not just feel them. Her kicks are quite frequent, it is excited and reassuring being able to feel her for both Mike and I. She is currently 24 weeks, time is going soo fast. From what I read on the Internet she should be around one pound and about the length of a banana from head to bum (that is how they are measured in the womb because they are often curled up). We are still thinking of calling her Jade Rose. Jade is plentiful here in China and they make just beautiful carvings out of jade. A Rose is a common carving that you see. We are thinking of getting her a necklace or bracelet with little roses carved out of Jade. We are excited to be parents. We want to be the best parents we can be for our little one.

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