
5 years and counting!

Last Saturday was Chelsey and mine fith anniversery! It has been a lot of fun thus far. We've had some really good adventures together, and we hope to have many more together.Each year we grow a lot together, we laugh a lot and even though there some hard spots, we stick together and become stonger for it.

Five years can seem like a long time to a lot of people, as it seems that for many marriages they are lucky to make it to this point. And to many, that is true. Couples who stop working at their relationships find that that realationship will floudner. This can happen at anytime to people when they start to coast instead of continuing try to build it up - wither it be 1, 5, 10 or even 30 plus years.  I personnaly feel very lucky and blessed to have a wife who is always working at our relationship, just as I try to do the same.

Thank you chelsey for a wonderful five years! I want to make it 50 more with you! I love you

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Well said, Mike. Too many couples view marriage as a temporary relationship, and divorce is way too common, in my opinion. I cringe when I hear someone refer to a first marriage as a "trial" or "starter" marriage. Another thing that I've realized recently is that so many of the "successful" people in the world attain their success at the price of their marriage and/or family.