
Bird Drunk on Grapes

About a week ago I decided that it would be a good idea to hang a string of raisins in the birds cage for her to chew on as a treat.....never again!!! Don't get me wrong, she LOVED them but once she had chewed on them for a couple of days they had turned into a very sticky trap. A couple of days ago I noticed that the bird was missing. I looked inside her cage and almost had a heart attack when I saw her tangled up in the string of raisins behind the mirror. She did not look good, barely alive. I cut the string and she just fell to the bottom of the cage and then got up very clumsily and was tripping all over her feet. Every time she tried to get up on the perch she just fell off of it. It was quite the job trying to get the raisins that were matted into her feathers out. She now has a patch of missing feathers. Jada must of sensed my distress at finding the bird like that because she was screaming at the top of her lungs the whole time I was trying to rescue the bird, needless to say when Mike got home, not long after, he found me practically in tears, I could barely speak, thinking I had almost killed the bird and having a baby scream at the same time. We can now laugh about it, how our bird got drunk on grapes. She is doing just fine now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL!!!! Hahahahaha! I would not have expected that. That's good to know. Poor bird! Are you sure she was actually drunk? Or was she tripping over her own feet because she was low on oxygen from being strangled?