
New Mom's Special Treatment

Some of the people who attended the baby shower went in together on a group gift. There were many parts to the gift but one of the parts was a massage. Oh wow! I have never had such special treatment, and I mean it was a treat. If any of you come to visit us in China you have to go for a professional massage!!!!!! It is so cheap here. For the equivalent of about $17 we got an hour and a half massage which included a very extravagant foot massage with soaking and lotions, ect. It was in a private room with just you and your friends, super comfortable, over-stuffed reclining chairs and all you can eat "room service". Now do you see what I mean. Do you want to come visit us in China yet???? Three of us went together, two of us are new moms and the other girl is very pregnant (being induced tomorrow). I needed to bring Jada but she ended up sleeping through the majority of it , maybe it was the low lights and soft music, hum. I am definitely taking Mike there the first chance I get, he would love it.

1 comment:

Amy, Mike and our Girls said...

I am sold! I would love to come...