
So far in Canada

So we have been back in Canada for about two and a half weeks now. We hope to be back in China by the end of the month, but so far things are going well here.

We have spent a week (so far) with each family. The first weekend we got here, Amy Mike and their three girls came up. Taylor, Jane and Claire all loved Jada. In fact Claire (Amy's youngest, who is about 16 months) was possessive about Jada, shooing everyone else away, and babbling away to her. Everyone just loves Jada! Jada also really loves the attention that she gets. She is getting more and more smiley, as well as more alert every day. She has these huge big eyes that just get so interested in things before she gives this really big smile. I don't have any pictures of that yet, but don't worry, they will come.

We also blessed Jada that weekend (September 27). My mom (Nana to Jada) got her this really cute dress for it. It is a size 2xs, the smallest one that she could find, but it fit her perfectly.
We had a little family dinner after church, which was a lot of fun. Again (just as she should be) Jada was the star attraction, and people who see her can't help to comment on how cute Jada is.

Other then this, not much has been going on so far. We have been having fun, but are really looking to going back to China as soon as we can. However, due to what they told us right before we left, it might be a couple more weeks before we get all the visa stuff settled. The October 1st holiday added a week because the government all shut down. So for now we just sit and wait, but we are excited to go back home. I know, I just called China home... Not in the sense that we are going to live there our whole life, but it is where our home is right now - our own place and life. We are both comfortable there, and enjoy it. So it is this way that China is home.

We will put up some more pictures later and other updates a little later

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