
Introducing Miss Alayna Mei Innes

Our third girl was born September 22, 2012 at 8:15 in the morning. She was 7lbs 1 ounce and was 21.75 inches long. She is a sweet little girl! Both Mom and baby are doing really well. It was a SUPER fast labour for Chelsey. She woke up about 4am having contractions, woke me up about 5:30, we got to the hospital about 6, and out came Alayna at 8:15! When we got to the hospital, she was only dilated about 1-2 cm, so they were talking about sending us home. 20 minutes later, they checked her again and she was 3-4, so they said perhaps walk around but don't leave! 20 minutes after that she was about 6 cm, so she was progressing very fast. The speed of the labour and lots of hot water was Chelsey's saving grace. She wasn't sure she could take it much longer then it lasted and she was very grateful that the hospital had a huge supply of hot water, as she spent more than an hour leaning over a chair in the shower with hot water spraying her back (All of her babes have been back labour). Her skin was a little bit red when she came out having urges to push! Both Jada and Makayla love having a baby sister. They both always want to hold her, and are giving her lots of hugs and kisses. Alayna also has two cousins that are only two weeks older then she is - Jeff, my little brother and his wife Cait, as well as Becca, Chelsey's younger sister and her husband Franklin both had girls. Anyway, enough talk! Lets get what everyone wants - Pictures, Pictures and more Pictures!!

 Jeff and Cait's Daughter Anna (on the Right)

 Congrats to the new moms!

 Mike, Chelsey, Alayna, Cait, Anna, Jeff
 Alayna and Bianca (Becca and Franklins's Daughter)
 Becca and Chelsey, Congrats to the sisters!