Kayla has started walking. She loves to practice. She will sometimes spend 20 minutes at a time just walking around and around our kitchen and living room with a big smile and happy sounds.She walks like she is going down a steep slope which is so cute to watch. She isn't talking much but she communicates so much with sounds and gestures. For example, when Mike comes home she rushes over to greet him and says "DA DAAAA!" When she wants something she reaches out towards it and says Ah Ah and starts signing please. Especially if we are in the kitchen she might not see anything in particular that she wants but knows it is the place of food and so automatically starts asking. She loves to say "uh oh". Just for fun she will drop something and say "uh oh". She also love to preform for people. Lately she is so proud to be walking so she will put on a show for anyone who visits or anyone who gives a little encouragement. Jada sees her putting on a show and will join in by standing on her head or doing somersaults. Both laughing and smiling. They are a silly bunch. Kayla is also getting braver and starting to climb like her big sister Jada.
Jada is starting to sing with almost all the words and the tune getting closer to on key. Her favorite songs are Twinkle Twinkle little star, Jesus wants me for a sunbeam and baby mine. Whenever she sings Jesus wants me for a sunbeam she runs from one side of the room to the other, back and forth with a huge smile. She is able to communicate most of her thoughts quite well and she is constantly surprising us with words and phrases she knows. The other day mike said something and then I said "me too" and jada said "and me three". Another thing she has picked up somewhere is when we say thank you Jada will respond "Anytime". You would think it would be the sweets that would ruin a kids dinner but that happens with plain rice for Jada. We have to serve the rice after the other food like you would dessert or else that is all she will eat. If she spots rice on the counter we have to tell her she has to eat so many bites of everything else before she can have rice. Jada is also starting to show a lot of concern and empathy for others. She looks out for her sister a lot. The other day Jada accidentally caught the tip of kayla's pinkie finger in the door and it took off some skin and bleed a little. Jada was so concerned for her, she started cuddling her face with her hands and saying "Oh, Kayla, I love you. Are you okay?" Kayla lost a shoe off a bridge into a lake the other day and Jada was so upset about it. She just cried and cried. Today Kayla was squeezing in between the fridge and the freezer to try and get the broom. She does this often and always ends up stuck and crying. Jada saw her squeezing in there and started crying and saying "Kayla, no you are going to get stuck!". If she is given something she often will ask for kayla to have some too. She is so sweet. She even takes care of Mike and I showing us empathy when we are cold or hurt or uncomfortable. She loves it when we make her toys talk and have conversations. She joins in the conversation with another toy.
They are both such happy, smiley, loving girls. They are our second greatest joy in life after each other.