We had negotiated to pay our rent every month, instead of every third month (ie, pay 3 months rent at one time). The contract said that it is due on the ninth, but we let them know upfront that we would not be able to pay it until the 10th or 11th. We were supposed to be paid on the 10th. Chelsey forgot to get her 700 RMB from the company, but she got it the next day. As well, I spent 2 hours on my day off getting her 390 from the voice recording (this was also on the 11th). Why did it take two hours? Because it was on the other side of Beijing. If you look on the map, we live near Shuangjing Subway station (on line 10, the pinkish line on this map, SE.). I had to

go all the way to HaiDianHuangZhuang (also on line ten, NW). It is about an hour each way.
So Chelsey got here money all on the 11th.
Now, I was supposed to get the money on the 10th. There were going to deposit directly into my bank account. However, there was never any money in there all day on the 10th, and all day on the 11th. You could imagine that I was getting a little worried!!! What happened is that they kept saying that the name on the account was wrong. By the time Saturday rolled around, and the money was still not in there, I went to the bank and got a print out with my name and account information to give to them. They gave Chelsey cash on Sunday (June 14th), and said that the will try to figure it out for next month. I sure hope they get it figured out!!!
So what did we do about rent? We decided that it would be best just to take 2500 RMB out of our account back home so that we can pay the rent on the 11th. We have plenty of money now, and it has all worked out. It was just a little hectic!!
In other news, one of the local Chinese teachers that had just started took two weeks off. I have nothing wrong with people needing time off and such, but when you just start, and don't let people know in advance that you need that time off that soon, it kinds miffs me. Not only is she taking time off, but one of the other teachers had booked time off a long time ago around the same time frame. That means that we have all been a little extra busy, in trying to cover for these. It is a little more organized now, and they got a new Chinese teacher, so it is getting better.
Anyway, that's our latest misadventure!
have fun