

We got really lucky in getting our next ultrasound. We were going to leave for Vancouver today, and China on Friday. Luckily, we got an ultrasound and doctors appointment for yesterday. It happened that there was a cancellation for an ultrasound, which worked perfectly! If it were not for that cancellation, it would have had to be done in Beijing. We were hoping to make sure that bean (nickname for the baby) was healthy and doing well. Everything checks out, and bean is growing well. We had a doctors appointment about an hour and half after the ultrasound, and by special request the results got to the doctors right as we got there. So we are happy with this, and we are now in Vancouver, soon to be Beijing.

Boy or Girl?

So What do you think? A boy or a girl? we know the answer ;)
so far, most people think its a boy.



We are now just over two weeks away from when we will be in China. We are getting really excited!!! This week is the last week of work for both of us, and then we are going to be packing up and cleaning and all that fun stuff. Chelsey's sister is getting married next month, and they are going to take our apartment for us, which means we have to move even less, as we will let them borrow our furniture for a year. Why not eh? We wont be using it.

Yesterday was our second wedding anniversiery. Those two years have gone by quickly! There has been a lot of growth, and many fun things. We think that this next year will be even better!